Air Quality Bootcamp 

Materials Hub

Thank you for participating in our Air Quality Sensor Bootcamp. This is your go-to-ressource to find all the recordings and resources during and after the bootcamp.

1. Fundamentals — Air Pollutants & Air Sensors 101
2. Use Cases — Lessons Learned from Air Monitoring Projects in 70+ Countries
3. Implementation — Best Practices for Air Sensor Network Design

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Air Quality Sensor Bootcamp — designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to effectively use air quality sensors.

Bootcamp sessions overview

1. Fundamentals — Air Pollutants & Air Sensors 101

Learn the basics of air pollutants and air quality sensor technology. In this session, you will learn about the different types of air pollutants, how they impact human health and the environment, and the types of air quality measurement equipment available.

Jack Kodros, Air Quality Data Scientist
Jack Kodros
Air Quality Data Scientist
Clarity Movement

2. Use Cases — Lessons  from Air Monitoring Projects in 70+ Countries

Explore how cities are using air quality sensors to supplement their regulatory monitoring programs. Learn about the types of sensors being used by cities, how they are being deployed, and the benefits and challenges of using sensor data to supplement regulatory monitoring.

Sean Wihera, VP, Business Development and Partnerships
Sean Wihera
VP, Business Development & Partnerships, Clarity Movement

3. Implementation — Best Practices for Air Sensor Network Design

Learn about best practices for the design of air quality sensor networks — including how to design a sensor network for your specific needs, how to deploy and maintain a sensor network, and best practices for data management, quality control, and data analysis.

Maggie Isied, Business Development Manager
Dr. Maggie Isied
Business Development Manager Clarity Movement

1. Fundamentals — Air Pollutants & Air Sensors 101

Watch the recording

Complete the homework assignment #1 below

Submit your homework here

Use this form to submit your homework assignments for Air Quality Sensor Bootcamp.

Note — you can submit the homework assignments one at a time. You do not need to attach all 3 homework assignments to submit the form — you can return to this form at a later time to submit future homework assignments.

2. Use Cases — Lessons Learned from Air Monitoring Projects in 70+ Countries

Watch the recording

Complete the homework assignment #2 below

If you have a real project in mind, please use this worksheet to think through your approach to that project. But if you don't have a real project in mind, no worries — feel free to come up with a hypothetical scenario as this will allow you to think through "how would I use this data, and who would I engage as a partner" for the hypothetical project!
Submit your homework here

3. Implementation — Best Practices for Air Sensor Network Design

Watch the recording

See video transcript

Complete the homework assignment #3

Submit your homework here

Best practices from air monitoring in 70+ countries

Clarity has deployed thousands of air quality sensors worldwide.
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Successful Ambient Air Quality Sensors Network

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